Corrugated Plastic in Application

Corrugated Plastic in Application
JMI Distribution, L.L.C., offers products that have been tested in numerous industries and environments, making it an ideal plastic solution. From mailrooms to warehouses – fruit fields to medical labs – you’ll find our corrugated plastic. Made in the USA, our packaging solutions are used in various industries, including logistics, warehouse, manufacturing, agricultural, and more.
Conveyor and Material Handling
If you are organizing parts in assembly operations, distributing mail within facilities, warehousing products, or transporting parts, corrugated plastic has unlimited material handling uses. Perfect for packaging of automated and supply chain systems including postal totes, shelving and carousel bins, automated storage and retrieval systems, dividers, cases and shipping containers.
Inter and Intra-Facility Parts Movement, Industrial and Manufacturing
When you need something stronger and tougher than fiberboard, yet light, water and stain resistant, corrugated plastic is the best solution. Manufacturers find it ideal for inventory, production control, and part protection on assembly and production lines.
Protective and Specialized Packaging
If you are looking for best protective packaging, corrugated plastic is the solution. It is versatile, durable, water resistant, recyclable, impact, shock, and vibration protectant. Ideal for electronics, devices, instruments, and inventory-control in hard and display cases.
General Office Areas and Mailrooms
Corrugated plastic mail totes are popular and maintain the standard for mail handling and package dispatch in any mail center, mail room, office, or warehouse. The uses are endless: bulk sorting, storage, transportation of mail to other departments or locations, and distribution.
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